"3rd Teaching and Learning activity"

After the last virtual meeting in November 2021, MEYE project mobilities could finally resume and «the third teaching-learning activity» took place in CIPFP Faitanar between 28 March and 1 April 2022.

Students from Slovenia, Spain and Portugal designed logical-mathematical activities that were implemented in the school «La Constitución» with students between 3 and 6 years old and in the nursery school «Príncipe Valiente» with students between 2 and 3 years old.

These activities were supervised by professionals specialised in the field of early childhood education and children’s mathematics: Professor Ana Ancheta from the University of Valencia and Professor Carlos Segura from CEFIRE CTEM.







Students and teachers also enjoyed leisure time and visited areas such as the city centre, the Albufera and the City of Arts and Sciences.












On the last day there was a farewell dinner where the Slovenians and the Portuguese could enjoy a Valencian folklore show: dançaes, albaes and tabal and dolçaina, as well as eating the typical Valencian dish «Paella».









The balance was very positive given that the students were able to enrich themselves by working alongside students from other countries and improve their competence in the field of children’s mathematics.





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