An event addressed to the teachers of VET in the filed of Early Childhood Education from the Valencian Community has been held in Xàtiva. cartel
The project and its three intellectual products have been presented.
There has been a wide interested in the proposal of the Specialization Course on Early Years Expression. Besides, a draft version of MEYE GUIDE has been shown and commented. All the participants will receive the final version of the Guide by email and have agreed of its utility for the modules of «Expression and Communication», «Cognitive and Motor Development» (first year) and «Playing and its methodology» (second year). They have also proposed to send the Guide to the nursery schools of their area where their students do their internships
Thanks for the quality information.
Eva Llorens
Sabeu quan podem rebre la versió definitiva de la Guia? He de dirigir un parell de projectes sobre matemàtiques i estaria bé tindre la Guia. […] Leer másSabeu quan podem rebre la versió definitiva de la Guia? He de dirigir un parell de projectes sobre matemàtiques i estaria bé tindre la Guia. Imagine que podria donar-li-la a les alumnes Leer menos
Coordinación Faitanar
to Eva Llorens
Hola Eva, la versió definitiva la tindrem a final de curs, escriu-me a i te faré arribar la versió provisional. Gràcies